Just the Facts About Obamas Health Care

No matter which side you come down on, you have to admit that this video is entertaining.

Someone went to a lot of time and effort to put it together, and I thought it was pretty funny.

Do I like the idea of paying $900 a month for my families health insurance? Actually, yes I do, since I researched it heavily and found the best coverage for the best price that meets our needs.

I’m not destitute, so therefore CAN afford to pay a higher deductible and have more affordable premiums. On the other hand, if we wanted to go to the doctor once a week for a $15 co pay, I’d be closer to $1900 a month here in Oregon!

I think we have the best health care system in the world, and while there needs to be cost containment controls put in place and a safety net for the poor, we did NOT need to take aways the choices that were within reach of 85% of the american public.

Yeah, think about that – If 15% have “no insurance” then 85% of the American people DO have insurance, and that not that bad. Maybe if they simply let insurance companies compete across state lines, the price would have come down, but we’ll never know. Too late now…

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