I Am Fed Up

This is a great video, that is clearly done as an anti-establishment statement, and it’s oh so true.

It doesn’t matter what your party affiliation is, you have to be disgusted by what’s going on, don’t you?

I’m concerned for our county, and for my kids future, and the fact that there’s no way we can ever possibly hope to get out of debt.

If we keep going on this course, we’re going to end up with the government owning or controlling absolutely everything about our county and economy.

This week Chairmen Sander Levin and Max Baucus made a joint decision to proceed with a bill trying to push through another 190 Billion is spending, supposedly to extend unemployment benefits, (which I’m all for), but only 60 billion of that is going to that actual cause.

Where’s the rest going? Tax cuts (for property owners that don’t itemize on their tax forms – huh?!?) and the rest is spending on infrastructure.

Don’t you think this is a gamble given the continued political uncertainty in the Senate?

I’m fed up, and this video shows why…

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