Obama Interview: Listen to His Own Words

Why do things on Youtube keep disappearing that are tapes and recordings of what he says?  Someone has posted a permanent copy on their website where he admits  that energy prices will skyrocket under the Obama plan.

Maybe it’s a necessary evil in an effort to raise conservation awareness, but the fact that the tape was removed repeatedly makes you scratch your head. If he really believes in it, then so what?  Why not come out and say so?  Corporations need t opay more for their power so they’ll be more energy concious. What’s the problem with letting the world hear you say that if it’s what you believe?

Spreading the wealth may not be a bad thing, and I admire him for admitting to Joe the Plumber that he wants to do that.  In the same way he told john McCain in the second debate that “affordable health care should be the right of every US citizen” Obama he took a stance that clearly differed with McCain (who said it was a responsibility, not a right) and that helped define who the candidate is.

I for one, am VERY disappointed that there weren’t more debates, and I hope once Senator Obama is elected he can be free to stop hiding his opinions form those that would call him a Socialist.

It’s clear the Repubrocrats couldn’t get the job done,  and deserve to lose control of the House and Senate, and noe the Presidency. Do you think the Democrats will just sell out too now, or might they actually say what they mean, mean what they say, and get the job done, making this a fairer nation for all?

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