“Cadillac Plan” Tax – Health Reform

My mother in law says that this article at the Washington post is saying that MY health insurance plan, which I pay for, for MY family (and have since 2002) is going to be called a “Cadillac Plan” and will somehow be taxed?

Can this possibly be true?

I’m REALLY trying to be objective here, but she claims that the Cadillac Plan Tax will be used to buy better quality public care, to sort of  “equalize” the quality of care US Citizens will get. Huh? .

From the article,

Many proponents of taxing high-end employer-based coverage have singled out the titans of Wall Street finance and industry, whose insurance might pay for regular EKGs, CAT scans and weekend health retreats at tony spas.

and then it says that those types of plans are “rare” and points out that  –

More common are the generous health benefits that many union workers receive —

I know tons of people that have plans where they pay simply pay a doctor copayment, and every little thing is covered, whereas I chose to buy a plan that would NOT cover all those doctor visits and stuff, and instead, chose to put my money into  “major  medical” type insurance, that will keep me from going broke.

I THOUGHT that was the smart thing to do, but now I’m wondering…

For my plan,  for the first $5,000 for a calendar year,  I’m pretty much completely out of pocket.

After that, I’m 80/20 for the next $5k in charges to me ($which is my share of another $30k in medical) . So, potentially, I could be out $10k in a year, and while that would be awful,  it wouldn’t bankrupt me.

In a year, my maximum oop (Out of Pocket)  is $10k, and so she thinks my plan might be considered a “Cadillac”?

On the one hand, I think that what’s  “for good of the people” is sort of how a government should run, but on the OTHER hand, is this not America?

Is it somehow “not fair” that I buy my own insurance, and am happy with my plan?

I’ll have to read up more on this, but it makes me very uneasy. SURE everyone should get health care, but isn’t that already the case?

Are there really people being refused treatment here in the US now?  No there’s not, and to do so would be illegal!

On the one hand,  while I might agree that getting medical care should be a basic US Citizens  “right”,  on the other hand, I can’t believe that HAVING INSURANCE is a “right”, and certainly, taxing those of us with wisdom enough to buy decent insurance is a “wrong” in my opinion.

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