Obamas Weekly Address | 11-21-2008

Here’s this weeks 3 1/2 minute video from President Elect Obama, and I have to admit I’m impressed at this weekly reaching out to us, the American public, and I applaud the effort instead of the silent arrogance of the Bush administration.

I’m looking at this as a new beginning for America, and giving him as much leeway as I gave Bush in the beginning, but he’s STILL not offered any substance. I argued with a friend over these videos last night, because he thinks Obama “sounds great”, which he does, but it still sounds like a campaign speech to me.

He actually does start to say something this week that’s more than just empty rhetoric – “I’ve already directed my economic team team to come up with an economic recovery plan that will result in 2.5 million more jobs by Jan 2011. We’ll be working out the details in the weeks ahead, and announcing the details soon.” – Really? You have? Wow, why not direct them to come up with a cure for Cancer too?

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