Category Archives: Economy

Give Bailout Money Directly To Americans

This idea supposedly comes from a friends mother-in-law’s Post Master named Willie in Rainer, WA. and it came to me buy email. No Wille, I never got permission, so if you want t otake credit or sue me, just get in touch here!



Yesterday on my way to lunch, I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read, “Vote Obama – I need the money.” I laughed.

Spreading the Wealth Really Does Feel Good

Yesterday morning I had breakfast at a small diner, and the waitress was wearing a big round Obama pin the size of a plate, which I thought was kind of odd. Why risk alienating some of your clientele? But I digress.

Fair Layoffs at JOOA Corp

Someone sent me this by email and I think it’s hilarious. I suppose that Jooa Corp. is likely a union shop, so laying off people according to low productivity or least value to the company isn’t an option.

Dear Fellow Business Owners: