Fair Layoffs at JOOA Corp

Someone sent me this by email and I think it’s hilarious. I suppose that Jooa Corp. is likely a union shop, so laying off people according to low productivity or least value to the company isn’t an option.

Dear Fellow Business Owners:

As a Business owner who employs 30 people, I have resigned myself to the fact that Barack Obama, will be our next President, and that my Taxes and Fees, will go up in a BIG way.

To compensate for these increases, I figure, that the Customer, will have to see an increase in my fees to them of about, 8%. I will also have to lay off 6 of my employees.

This really bothered me as I believe we are family,here and didn’t know how to choose who will have to go. So, this is what I did.

I strolled thru the parking lot and found, 8 Obama bumper stickers on my employees cars. I have decided these folks will be the first to be laid off.

I can’t think of another fair way to approach this problem. If you have a better idea, let me know. I am sending this letter to all Business owners that I know.

JOOA Corp.

38 thoughts on “Fair Layoffs at JOOA Corp

  1. DeBrat Beason


    We did the same thing with McCain bumper stickers. We found that employee whining went down and our company efficiency in production went up. We reviewed our staggering success, it was because we removed the idiots who stood around and complained, “That’s not my job, not my function, let leave it for the next shift, It not my problem”

  2. Think Like Ron

    I share this sentiment but am taking it one step further. Because I coach youth sports, because I will have less money due to Obama’s taxes and have to work more thus limiting my volunteer time, I will ask parents who they voted for BEFORE I spend my limited time coaching their kids.

    I am taking digital photos of all the cars I see with an Obama bumper sticker… capturing the license plate and the sticker in one image. Now is the time to know your enemy.

  3. Jose

    Also love it…but so TRUE! This will sadly be a reality if Obama is elected into office by all of the naive and ignorant supporters he has.

  4. Louisville Liberal

    It is touching. How devastating that in these trying economic times you might be reduced from 30 to only 22 employees in order to preserve your profit margin. The savagery! How do they expect you to make ends meet? You do know that the only reason your taxes are going up is to fix the giant mess that W created, right? Or perhaps that “economicification stuff” is to complificated for you, so let me spell it out for you:

    A brief history

    1) You elected a troglodyte cowboy to the most important administrative office on earth, mainly because he hemmed and hawed with a good ole boy accent and sputtered “don’t kill babies” periodically.

    2) He spent all of our money outside of this country.

    3) The rest os us went through the parking lot and decided that those of you with a W sticker on your car should be the ones to pay it back.

  5. yvonne

    Maybe you should listen to what Barack has been saying,
    barack is actually going to give business owners a credit for every employee he (she) hires which will enable the small business not only be able to hire new employees but to give them health package and retirement.

  6. Terry

    I am a business owner and it soulds like a great idea if Obama gets in. I have the math already done…… lmao all the way to the bank

  7. Mike A.

    It may be a good thing for this guy to go out of business. He cannot be an astute business man as he makes hire/fire decisions based on politics rather than performance. Yea, Warren Buffet would agree, LOL. Sounds more like a teachers union.

  8. Brian

    Really?! You will punish children who’s parents don’t make as much as you do, and are looking for real tax cuts under the Obama plan? Interesting.

    Class Act there Ron.

    Maybe we’re better off… if you’re not the one coaching our kids.

    @Ward (JOOA Corp) You want to offset your new taxes? How about correctly indexing your company website so we can find it through Google. Or maybe this “story” is just another fiction (Joe the Plumber).

  9. Cubana56

    This quote is from a British paper that apparently has been paying more attention than our own US media:

    ‘You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshiped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.’ — Melanie Phillips

  10. Justin

    I can’t believe how ignorant some of you Obama supporters are! lol no facts at all (tards) you guys crack me up!

  11. Alice

    Wow. First, Obama and his supporters are Anti-American, now we can be laid off because of a constitutional right to vote our choice, and- our kids will be ostrasized and left out because of their parent’s vote.
    Sounds pretty Anti-American to me!

  12. Bob Otis

    Ron, were you serious? I thought you were being sarcastic in saying you would refuse to coach children whose parents support Obama. Clearly, to me, this statement and ‘JOOA business owners’ – if not satire – are just completely morally bankrupt. I find it both funny and sad that I have trouble differentiating threatening, reactionary right-wing rants from complete jokes.


  13. Brian

    This is of course made up, to try to fool people who don’t run businesses. Either that, or the author does run a business and is simply a moron. Incorporated businesses pay taxes on NET profit. Operating expenses, payroll, inventory, all of those are pre-tax expenses

  14. Kimberley

    Please DO NOT fire the Exec Assistant. They generally know good grammar. LOL! Otherwise, good point.

    Just a note RE: The Union.

    A lot of states are still, “Right to Work,” states. I live in one of them. Florida. You can be fired for no reason whatsoever. If someone wants to fire you over an Obama sticker, they have the right to do that.

  15. bobk57

    I don’t see what the problem is – you put him office then when his failed and stupid policies affect the bottom line with a business – then you should be the one to suffer the consequences.
    Another one of his plans started out – he would not raise taxes on anyone making under 300K, then in several speeches after that it was no one making less than 250K, 2 weeks ago he stated no one under 200K – and last week his dimwitted running mate in a speech said no one making under 150K will have their taxes raised. Open your eyes people.
    In 2010 when Pres. Bush’s tax cuts (that everyone got including you blind NoBama Kool-aid drinkers) expire your taxes will be going up. Haven’t heard him mention that have you???

  16. Bill Randle

    I guess we all know by this point that “JOOA Corp” doesn’t really exist, which of course is why there is no address or website or contact info with the email. Just like “Joe the plumber” it’s part of the rightwing lie machine…

  17. Jo Fadiz

    I’m no Obama fan, but how this guy can figure he needs to increase prices by 8% because the tax rate is going from 34% back up to 39%. If he has to let go of 6 people because of that his business is either overstaffed or in trouble anyway.

    I’m just running my business based on profitability rather than making decisions based upon what is “going to happen”. I have 42 employees, and if I ever need a RIF I’ll let the ones that suck the most go first and keep the ones that add value. I’m a capitalist and as long as they help us achieve our goals then they’re ok with me no matter whom they voted for.

  18. Pablo

    Cubana56, Great quote and observation. Sad that Americans are so blind to see what the rest of the world sees. Great quote!

    This quote is from a British paper that apparently has been paying more attention than our own US media:

    ‘You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshiped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.’ — Melanie Phillips


    You obama idiots forget one major fact:

    obama will screw up everything on foreign policy.
    he is a muslim plant. wake the hell up

  20. Mark

    It is apparent that English as a written language is lost and proof-reading has been forgotten. And, I am a researcher and independent but fail to see how any intelligent individual could believe that a man approached by Obama and had the audacity to ask a simple question would be “part of the right-wing lie machine”. Take a long hard look at your candidates, both of them, and try making an informed decision.

  21. Jim

    I think Debrat has a good point, but the McCain bumper stickers you saw were actually sported by Moderates, or Liberals who havent come out of the closet yet. THEY are the ones that complain the most and dont work harder than they have to…..i.e. unions, govt. employees, acadamia, etc. I know this as I am surrounded by much of this list in my segment of the business world

  22. Jmre

    Yesterday on my way to lunch at Dave’s Grill, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign that read ‘Vote Obama, I need the money.
    ‘Once in Dave’s, I noticed my waiter had on a ‘Obama 08’ tee shirt.When the bill came, I decided not to tip the waiter and explained to him while he had given me exceptional service, that his tee shirt made me feel he obviously believes in Senator Obama’s plan to redistribute the wealth. I told him I was going to redistribute his tip to someone that I deemed more in need–the homeless guy outside.

    He stood there in disbelief and angrily stormed away.I went outside, gave the homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter inside, as I had
    decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy looked at me in disbelief but seemed grateful.

    As I got in my truck, I realized this rather unscientific redistribution experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pissed that I gave away the money he did earn.Well, I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to catch on with those of us doing the work.

  23. Duane

    What a pity the DNP does not publish their ture goals for the citizens of the United States. All of their ideals are socialistic and on the road to to communism. Should I have to work my tail off so some government fed and fattened freeloader gets something for nothing?

    Do you want to work and earn money for yourself or a fat government full of power hungry SOBs?

    The choice is yours tomorrow. McCain is not my first pick but he is the lesser of the two evils we will choose to be our leader.

  24. Juby

    Anybody notice the supporters of the “compassionate” party have the most venomous rants? You liberals are just mean people.

  25. JTShow56

    Regardless of who is elected, the government will have its hand too deep in our pockets. When will we all wake up to the fact that this bloated “Jabba the Hutt” federal bureaucracy is sucking us all dry. They have succeded in creating a class warfare in this country and demonizing those who have created wealth and made opportunity for others by creating jobs. Half of us moan and groan about the Bush administration being the problem. The other half complain about Congress being the problem. They are all the problem. The size of government needs to be reduced, taxes need to be lowered across the board, and people need to take responsibility for themselves. Although I believe either candidate will increase the size of government, Obama will do it much more aggressively. He has stated that he wants to “spread the wealth”. Those of you who think that this is a good idea better wake up. Socialism does not work. And if you don’t believe Obama is a Socialist, you are simply in denial.

  26. Zooey

    Hard to imagine how old Ward built a successful business in the first place if he calculates fee increases based on a budget that hasn’t been written yet, let alone formally submitted and voted on, and then lays off a quarter of his work force without knowing who they are, how valuable they are to his company, or what they even do for him.

    I’d love to see his face when his secretary tells him whom he has let go.

    Of course, the whole thing is fiction anyway. There is no such person or corporation. It’s just another cute propaganda email that is meant to appeal to emotions rather than thought because anyone who thinks about it for 30 seconds can see it’s utter nonsense.

  27. Babe Novak

    People people people. R’s, D’s, I’s and U’s. Lighten the hell up. Part of this problem in this country is that we have lost our sense of humor. We can no longer civilly disagree. It seems now that if you disagree with me I MUST hate you and try everything in my power to destroy you. How did it come to this? Personally I blame the 24 hour news cycle. It feeds this kind of acrimony. If we could try and regain our sense of humor and our ability to acknowledge the fact that views that contradict our own are not necessarily evil then maybe we could start working together to find good solutions to the problems we face as a country. The war being waged right now between the people of this country only serves the interests of the political class. Look at the majority of the members of our government. They seem to get along just fine (with a few notable exceptions). Our screeching and fighting with each other to the degree we do now only solidifies their power. Maybe it is time to dump them all and get back to a “We the people” style of government.

  28. Seriously?

    I would just like to point out to those who are so far to the left that this was a joke. No one is trying to pull the sheets over anyone’s eyes. They are just using humor to get a point across.

  29. Ann

    Dear Louisville Liberal,
    You are clueless. You have no idea what caused this crash. It was NOT Dub-A….it was the cretin Dems……Here are the facts:
    1933-Graham, Leach, Biely Act passed to regulate banks
    1977-Carter passed the “Re-Investment Act” which loosened regualtion
    1999-Clinton repealed the G,L,B act……which left the banks totally UNREGULATED
    2001-Bush tried to pass the Glass-Stegal Act. It fails
    2002-Sarbanes-Oxley is passed to allow for regulation to re-instated. Fanny Mae is “exempted” because it is partially federally owned. Franklin Raines is now allowed to create predatory lending
    2003-McCain co-sponsers a bill to enforce regualtion on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac….it is voted down. the FM’s are defended by Chris Dodd and Barney Frank…….it is ALL on film
    2006-McC tries again to reign in FM’s…….it is also voted down
    Get your info correct, Louie…..it is all on the web.

    Rather than pointing a finger at the wrong person, please get informed and while you at it….get a brain…..that would be helpful, too……

  30. Becky

    You know, I am heartsick that Barack Obama won the Presidency; however, he may be the best thing that could’ve happened to us, in that after 4 years of idiocy, we will be ready to go back to real leadership and conservative values. Having a college degree does not make you a better human being, folks.

  31. FreeThinker

    Ann – you are 100% correct and thanks for trying to bring a sense of history to this little discussion. Please, respectfully – for those of you who blame the last 8 years for today’s economic meltdown – you are so very wrong. Read Ann’s post again and do your own research regarding the timeline she has provided. If I were to pick a single event that is the “seed” that grew into the big economic collapse today, it would be Jimmy Carter’s “Community Reinvestment Act”, wherein the banking industry was forced to award mortgages to people who really should never have bought a home in the first place. If I can’t afford an expensive car, then I don’t buy it, correct? Wrong, according to the Carter’s CRA. The banking industry fought this legislation tooth-and-nail, but were cajoled into submission by guarantees that our gov’t would stand behind all those bad loans. Now can you say “Freddie and Fannie”? Fast-forward 30 years and look at the end result. Millions of people who bought homes they shouldn’t have, banks lending enormous amounts they shouldn’t have, Freddie and Fannie running wild while greasing palms of key members of congress to turn a blind eye, and now we have the crash. Those who foresaw a potential calamity and called for reform or tighter oversight (including both Bush and Clinton, BTW), were systematically shot down by….sorry…..Democrats on the hill. Don’t take my word for it – do your own research and watch some of those hearings on Youtube. It was ugly at times as the Democrats demonized the whistle-blowers, referring to them as witch hunters. It is disingenuous now to blame the very whistle-blowers who tried to protect you, but I suppose that’s politics. One other note, special for Brian who stated the incorporated business pay taxes on Net Profit. Brian, you are obviously an employee and not a business owner. Look up Payroll Taxes and you’ll see they are a front end expense, not a back-end percent of net. Obama’s promises will, I think, largely be funded by additional payroll taxes. No such thing as free.

  32. Hattie

    Now that the liberals have their man elected lets see how happy they are. Oh.sure things will get better at first-at least until he appoints all of his Muslim buddies to his cabinet and then pulls our troops out of the Middle East to let all of his terrorist friend attack us again. He has shown he has no allegience to America by not even acknowledging the flag during the Pledge of Allegience. The only smile I saw on his face at his acceptance speech was when he and his America-hating wife walked off the stage. That smile said we got the fools right where we want them now! I am proud to say I was not one of the fools who put him there. John McCain would have been a better president on his worse day than OB will be on his best day. May God have mercy on us all.

  33. Mr. Koolaid Post author

    Jeez, what a crappy and ignorant thing to say, Hattie. You would sound less like a nut if you made intelligent arguments.

    Maybe if you criticized his potential for ultra-liberal Supreme Court appointments or you slammed his “Share the Wealth” tax programs, or even if you criticized his poor judgement on whom he’s chosen to befriend, like Rev. Wright or even Bill Ayers (hey, that rhymes with who cares) then you’d have a little more credibility.

    Instead, you just sound like a racist fool…
    Muslim buddies? Get real.

  34. Maude

    Responding mildly to Ann:

    I believe Phil Gramm wrote the bill to ‘repeal’ the banking regulations in 1999; part of his philosophy that unregulated banks and financial institutions are best for the country. Remember hm? Senator McCains economics adviser until he called American a buch of whiners? Also a lobbyist for the banking industry.

    The CRA was intended to ensure that banks were reinvesting within their own community; which would include investing in multi-family housing projects (rentals) that were affordable to those folks making 80% of the ‘community area’ median income.

    And a rather obvious comment: Simply being ‘…on the web’ does not make a fact true. One of the obvious degradations in intellectual accuracy is the use of secondary (and tertiary or lower) references without going back to the original source to validate ALL the references.

  35. Hattie

    Mr. Koolaid I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that I’m a racist but you are DEAD wrong. All of the arguments you are making are nothing compared to the threat he will prove to be to this nation on a much higher level. I have never looked down on any race and never will but the group of people I’m refering to hate everyone and everything American. Think 9/11-or are you too blind to the truth to want to remember?

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