Category Archives: Election 2008

Spreading the Wealth Really Does Feel Good

Yesterday morning I had breakfast at a small diner, and the waitress was wearing a big round Obama pin the size of a plate, which I thought was kind of odd. Why risk alienating some of your clientele? But I digress.

Obama Had Defined Rich as 250k – but now 200k? 150k?

I sat on my couch and argued with a friend not 6 weeks ago whether an annual income of 250k should qualify someone as “the rich” like Senator Obama was saying on TV.

Now less than a week before the election, I’m watching his infomercial and his tax plan had suddenly shifted to define the rich as only $200,000 a year income.

President Obama’s New Office Policies

A really conservative friend sent me this, and no matter how anti-Republican you are, you’ve got to admit it has a pretty funny ring of truth to it…

Notice to All Employees

Obama Is Not a US Citizen?

Maybe this is all crap, and maybe not, however, Senator Obama should shut everyone up by producing his birth certificate. WHY won’t he just remove all doubt and cough it up?

Compare Candidates Backgrounds & History

A hard core liberal friend sent me this, and it really makes me think…

What if things were switched around? Think about it. Would the  country’s collective point of view be different? Could racism be the  culprit???? this most certainly must be a rhetorical question!]

Just Legally Verify Obamas Birth Certificate Already!

The controversy over whether Obama is actually legal to run for the highest office in the land just keeps getting hotter and hotter. Ids this the October Surprise? What a bunch of crap this is, that the DNC would actually fight to silence the lawsuit, instead of just shutting up the critics by disproving the assertion.

VP Debate Missed the Mark

When Joe Biden said last night in the vice presidential debate that he thought the bankruptcy courts should not only be allowed to adjust the interest rate, but adjust the balance as well, my jaw nearly dropped.

Sarah Palin at the 2008 Republican Convention

Senator McCain has found himself pure political gold in Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is an accomplished speaker!

Who would be a better Vice Presidential candidate for Republicans than Sarah Palin? I ask with all sincerity.

This candidate supports her president, her future boss with a loyalty that has been lacking in previous administrations.

Why Would McCain Choose Palin?

I certainly have nothing negative to say about her and in fact know very little. She may be highly competent and have a big political future ahead of her, and for all I know, we might agree on many issues. That’s not the point though.